The first
Film Festival took place in Luxembourg and I wanted to take part in this - they had
Cassandra's Dream scheduled for tonight - and as a huge Woody Allen Fan I had to be there!

Although the Makers of the Event announced before the Festival that they would hope to expect the one or other actor of this movie to be at the screening, neither of them was there.
BUT - we did have famous company in the theatre - our Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Felix and Princess Alexandra showed up. I never had to stand up at the movies before watching a film ;-)))

AND - the director of the Festival said that Woody Allen would have loved to be there - but couldn't make it - but he promised to be there next year - as he wants to play by all means...

... in our new Philharmonic Hall. I will take him at his word!
Of course I made it into the
papers ;-)
(for all of you who know me - you can find me - for all the others - I love to play hide and seek!)