Saturday, October 11, 2008

Getting into some black and white..

The fog takes away almost all color - but at least on the first picture they are still meant to be there ..


I just love this park.. even in black and white..


This is for my viewing pleasure.. because I am so fond of Autumn ;-)


French Fancy... said...

How strange that you chose not to post the comment I left on your other entry.


Kenavo said...

I am sorry - the system just didn't show me your comment until just now.. so.. I let it in ;))

French Fancy... said...

Don't I sound grumpy. Sorry about that.

I love your photos.

Kenavo said...

;-) I can ensure you that you don't sound grumpy!!
and thanks for my pictures..
I will visit Brittany in November - so there are more lovely ones to come :)